
About 6 months ago someone asked me “If you are as ‘healed’ as you claim to be from your childhood abuse, why do you talk about it so much?” This quote answers that question very simply. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing […]

Courage leads to courage which leads to courage…

Through the years I have found that courageous acts tend to snowball into more courageous acts. I have found that to be true again these past few weeks. Courageous Act #1 Deciding to bite my tongue and watch things unfold at work has involved courage for me. I’m an active participant in my own life […]

Resurrection, New Life, and Fresh Starts

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11 I don’t know about you but I have had ENOUGH of limiting beliefs! And every […]

Rob Bell and God Places…

On Friday night I went to hear Rob Bell speak about his new book “What We Talk About When We Talk About God.” Briefly I’ll tell you that it is another winner by a writer who never fails to deliver. I can’t imagine that it is as controversial as “Love Wins” if only because the […]

Lent Continues–Wrestling

 I have been wrestling with God for as long as I can remember. Maybe that’s why my favorite picture in my first real Bible as a child was one of Jacob wrestling with God. And  maybe it’s why I so easily accepted the idea of a Christophany…the appearance of Jesus in the flesh before his […]

Meet Me on the Bridge

Yesterday I drove across the Evergreen Floating Bridge that spans Lake Washington going to the Burbs on the east-side  I don’t drive this way often and it never ceases to surprise me that the water on each side of the bridge can often be shockingly different. Yesterday the water out one door of my Jeep […]

Lent Week 3…There is bread enough

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? —–Romans 8:32 (NASB) **For Linda…the Bread-makers Daughter** I am homesick. Homesick for me is a longing for giant blue skies that reach as far as the eye can […]

Lent 2013…week 1

Today I read Deuteronomy in its entirety as part of “Read the Bible in 40 Days”. In the past I have loved Deuteronomy. I love the promises that God makes. I love the retelling of the story of the Exodus and the Wilderness Journey. This is still true. I do still love those parts. But I don’t like some of […]

Lent 2013…Day 1

“We tend to think of Lent as a time of sorrow and repentance and grief, and that is one of its core ideas. But we don’t grieve in order to heighten our capacity to grieve or repent so we can focus on our ability to repent. If Lent has its proper impact, it will form […]

For the troublemakers…

“If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that serious doubt, the kind that leads to despair, begins not when we start asking God questions, but when out of fear, we stop.” –Rachel Held Evans in Evolving in Monkeytown When did asking questions become a sin punishable by death in Christian circles? And […]