
After 580 days (but who’s counting), I finally traveled again. I could have gone anywhere…and by anywhere I mean the limited number of places that a German resident and American citizen can travel hassle free. There are a lot of places I’d like to see and any destination would be better than one more minute […]

I love you. Please leave me alone.

No. This is not a post about dating or stalkers or even romantic love. But the title is still appropriate… Let me explain. On a regular basis I think that everything I’ve ever done was leading me to this place in my career. Every step on the path was just bringing me to Tourlane. To […]

Following Your Creativity, Honoring Your Vision

When I relaunched my blog, one of my goal was to use this platform as a way to elevate the voices of the creative and beautiful people in my life. So without further delay…please enjoy this fun and important conversation with my friend, author, singer, and spiritual sister Nicole Walters. Nicole has authored a new […]


“Everyone is replaceable.” For so many years I have heard this phrase bandied about any time someone considers leaving or expresses frustration with their current environment. Recently a friend in the US reached out to me to share her experience and it has stuck with me as I have navigated resignations from team members and […]

My Year at Home…Work…Home?

Most people who know me well, know that I am a pretty natural introvert. I can extrovert well when needed, but I prefer quiet bars, small dinner parties at home, and Sundays spent writing and reading. Like many of my kind (introverts, not curly headed women), when we decided as a company to work remotely […]

Innovators: Women Behind the Product

I am privileged to have opportunities to be included in groups of talented women who represent product and technology. This article celebrating International Women’s Day 2021 was no exception.

Panel Discussion: Extraordinary Women in Tech

Recently I was invited to join a panel discussion focusing on tech innovation in Berlin. I got to talk about what I see in the industry and also what is working (or not) for motivating teams during this pandemic. Enjoy!

Revenge Travel: Come Join Us!

Google the words “revenge travel” and you’ll quickly be convinced that travel is poised to make a post-pandemic come back. As we all contemplate getting out from behind our web meetings and back into the world, there are some real trends taking the spotlight such as multi-generational trips to get families back together who have […]

Choosing Your Next Boss – Save Yourself Part 2

Once upon a time, a professional in the middle of her career had two opportunities. One was working for a company where the job seemed well-defined, a step up in her career, and her peers would be people she loved working with. The other was for a company where the role was really ambiguous and […]

Madam Vice President

“Can I tell you something?” I asked my teacher while standing at the side of her big wooden desk positioned near the classroom door. “Yes dear, of course. What is it?” the elderly woman said sweetly. “I want Geraldine Ferraro to win,” I said in almost a whisper. A smile crept across her face. I […]