Shhhhh…don’t tell…but I have a secret.
<looks around nervously>
I like my job.
A lot.
<holds fingers to lips>
No…seriously…shhhhh! Someone will hear!
I haven’t liked my job…A LOT…in quite a while. Each job has had little glimmers of something I liked and moments. More importantly each job has had people that I liked to be around and with. This job has moments I like a lot and people I like to be around a with.
Oh…and it’s tough.
I’ve been given a tough assignment. Something is wrong and I need to unpack it, work with the team to fix it, and put it all back together. And even then, we will have a tough year ahead of us trying to do good work really fast and continue to build trust in our team and product lines.
But anyone who knows me knows, I LOVE a tough gig. I need a challenge. I like to dig in with teams and try to move things in a good direction. I like to ask hard questions and be asked hard questions. I like to not have answers and go searching for them. I love the thrill of the hunt and the joy of finding things out. I love when I hear myself start to talk about what is POSSIBLE and feel others start to attach themselves to the goal and the idea.
But seriously…be quiet…I don’t want to jinx it.
Guys…there something else. I love this job and am not defined by this job. I am good at this AND I am still a writer, a creator, a leader of a writing group, and a kick ass aunt and friend. I am working hard at this job and making time to learn Reiki and write my blog and trying to pick my novel back up. I am this thing and that thing. I am all the things.
And here’s what I want…
I want each of you to have and be all the things too. Jobs you enjoy. People you love so much you can’t stand it. Creative outlets that make you move things around to make time. Spiritual endeavors that make you more aware of the Divine in all of us and all around us. ALL THE THINGS!
But if you tell people things…they will want to know your secret. So shhhhhhhh!