September Journaling – Day 1

This month I am looking to work in a new and updated habit of meditation. I used to do it fairly regularly and once even did a stretch of 100 days. But lately my concentration levels are so sporadic that I haven’t been even trying to make the time. So starting today I will try […]

Permission Slips – Take What You Need

These past months I’ve been handing out permission slips most Fridays. And while I may continue doing that in the coming weeks, I wanted to take this Friday to offer each of us the opportunity to take the permission slip we most need. Sometimes we get stuck in a routine or in a limiting thought […]

Permission Slip – Open Your Heart

The world will throw hurts our way and we will feel that we take hit after hit. And yet, there is joy and hope in having a heart open to more love, more happiness, more connection. When we close ourselves off, we might (yes, MIGHT) protect ourselves. But we also mute the good things that […]

Permission Slip – Remember

These past few years have rocked us. The pandemic, the war, the layoffs, the climate crisis, the rise of white nationalism, the cost of living… (BTW…Are the murder hornets still after us?) I see so many people with their heads down in fear, anxiety, and exhaustion who have forgotten themselves. They have forgotten that just […]

Permission Slip: Get Angry!

This permission slip will bother some of you. We’ve all been given the message that it’s not okay to get angry and that we have to keep that shit under control. And there are definitely people who should keep their anger in check…but those are typically people who have a history of getting angry and […]