Tarot & Life Coaching – Ace of Cups
Ahhhh…the Ace of Cups. New beginnings, opportunities to take care of ourselves, and new hope for deep connection. This is a juicy card for anyone who calls it into their life. So many of us are using the constant sources of distraction and “connection” to stay numb to the emotions we are feeling…both positive and […]
Tarot & Life Coaching – Judgement
Life has meaning and value. The noisy world pulls at us and makes us forget about the deep call for each of us to remain committed to being our true selves. The Judgement card calls us to a place of self-reflection. How do my past choices, actions, and experiences impact my current situation? What shaped […]
September Journaling – Day 8
The one change I need to make to increase my happiness is to get back to meditation. I need that stillness in my brain in order to clear space for creativity. This is especially true as I build this coaching practice and try new and different things. Getting back to a meditation practice will really […]
September Journaling – Day 7
I have had some thoughts stirring around about where I want to live. Is it London? Is it Santa Fe? Is it somewhere else? And it feels oddly important even though I’m happy where I am and want to be here. So I want my brain to slow down and give me a break. I […]
September Journaling – Day 6
Some of the labels I use to talk about myself are: kind, ambitious, aggressive, generous, woman, leader, sister, aunt, friend, difficult, independant, boundaried. I used to really hit myself hard with mean words. My inner critic was a real piece of work and needed an attitude adjustment. Across time I feel like I’ve got a […]
September Journaling – Day 5
Whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens! The song is silly but sweet…but the truth is, we all have a list of a few things on earth that make us feel happy and joyful to be alive in this moment. When I stop to think about what these things are, something happens in my physical […]
September Journaling – Day 4
My dad is one of my role models. From him I learned to listen all the way to the end of a person’s sentence, to stop what I’m doing that is important to me in order to make the other person feel important, and to meet each new experience with a sense of adventure. My […]
September Journaling – Day 3
Hmmm…these days I generally can ask for what I need. But this question makes me think of my need to ask for consideration. I have learned with time to ask for help, but I want to ask for others to be considerate of where I am and what I’m going through. I think what that […]
September Journaling – Day 2
My younger self would be so proud of me for finally being able to say, “I really want people to like me.” Those words sound and feel desperate as I read them back. But there is no desperation there. Just desire for connection and friendship. I am a person who seeks and wants community. There […]