Panel Discussion: Extraordinary Women in Tech

Recently I was invited to join a panel discussion focusing on tech innovation in Berlin. I got to talk about what I see in the industry and also what is working (or not) for motivating teams during this pandemic. Enjoy!

Revenge Travel: Come Join Us!

Google the words “revenge travel” and you’ll quickly be convinced that travel is poised to make a post-pandemic come back. As we all contemplate getting out from behind our web meetings and back into the world, there are some real trends taking the spotlight such as multi-generational trips to get families back together who have […]

Choosing Your Next Boss – Save Yourself Part 2

Once upon a time, a professional in the middle of her career had two opportunities. One was working for a company where the job seemed well-defined, a step up in her career, and her peers would be people she loved working with. The other was for a company where the role was really ambiguous and […]

Madam Vice President

“Can I tell you something?” I asked my teacher while standing at the side of her big wooden desk positioned near the classroom door. “Yes dear, of course. What is it?” the elderly woman said sweetly. “I want Geraldine Ferraro to win,” I said in almost a whisper. A smile crept across her face. I […]

Save Yourself

**Note: Please note that when speaking about toxic leadership in the following, I am NOT speaking about my current company. I specifically chose to work for a couple of guys who I think are great humans and leaders. Truth is…I never have to work for people I don’t respect or like again…and you don’t either.** […]

Blessed are the Curious…

150 faces stare at me from their seats in the crowded atrium. 1000 more are staring at me from behind computer screens across Europe and North America. Some are bored. Some are eager. Some are wondering who I am and where I’ve come from. Some just find the seats with their flimsy banker blue cushions […]


Pride sometimes get a bad rap. Being prideful or too proud is generally frowned on in communication but I am full of pride and maybe a bit too proud for my own good for two reasons today. The first and biggest reason is that Tourlane raised $20M in Series C extension from our investors today. […]

Why I am still a Product Manager…

Happy World Product Day 2020!  “What do you do for a living?” he asks.“I’m a product manager. My teams build <enter current products> for <enter type of customer>,” I reply.“Oh cool. My cousin is a Project Manager.”“Ummm..Product Manager.”“What?” he says confused.“PRODUCT. I’m a Product Manager. Not Project,” sounding slightly testier than I intend.“Oh…okay. Nice,” he […]

The next destination…

Books. It always starts with books with me doesn’t it? But let’s face it, I’ve had a long love affair with books. I loved being read to by my sisters. I learned to read early because I wanted to read ALL the books. The library was the first place that opened my heart and mind […]

It all starts with a laugh

Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. This is my life. At this stage in my career I spend more time in meetings at work than probably anything else. Creative time is at a minimum. Writing time is done in fits and starts throughout my day. But meetings…those are constant. Sometimes they are the one-on-ones I wrote about in […]