The Round Table

Last week in a post about asking more questions, I mentioned my “round table of advisors”. A few of you asked me about this so I thought I’d give you a quick rundown on choosing advisors. —— This imagery all came about for me once when I was trying to make an important career decision […]

Ask More Questions

Anyone who is coached or mentored by me has probably heard me say “I don’t make decisions in the midst of chaos or stress because the data is bad.” Which means when you are in the middle of a crazy season, you need to gather information rather than make hasty choices. Those I coach also […]

I love you. Please leave me alone.

No. This is not a post about dating or stalkers or even romantic love. But the title is still appropriate… Let me explain. On a regular basis I think that everything I’ve ever done was leading me to this place in my career. Every step on the path was just bringing me to Tourlane. To […]

Following Your Creativity, Honoring Your Vision

When I relaunched my blog, one of my goal was to use this platform as a way to elevate the voices of the creative and beautiful people in my life. So without further delay…please enjoy this fun and important conversation with my friend, author, singer, and spiritual sister Nicole Walters. Nicole has authored a new […]


“Everyone is replaceable.” For so many years I have heard this phrase bandied about any time someone considers leaving or expresses frustration with their current environment. Recently a friend in the US reached out to me to share her experience and it has stuck with me as I have navigated resignations from team members and […]

Madam Vice President

“Can I tell you something?” I asked my teacher while standing at the side of her big wooden desk positioned near the classroom door. “Yes dear, of course. What is it?” the elderly woman said sweetly. “I want Geraldine Ferraro to win,” I said in almost a whisper. A smile crept across her face. I […]

Save Yourself

**Note: Please note that when speaking about toxic leadership in the following, I am NOT speaking about my current company. I specifically chose to work for a couple of guys who I think are great humans and leaders. Truth is…I never have to work for people I don’t respect or like again…and you don’t either.** […]

It doesn’t hurt to ask…

“Gather data. Gather data. Gather data. And when it feels personal, remember that it’s still data.” This is one of the most used pieces of advice I give to my team members, mentees, people who seek me about big decisions, etc. We absolutely get in our own way when it comes to asking for what […]

Tell Me More

Tell me more What’s going on? What’s keeping you up at night? Talk more about that Holding 1-on-1s with my team members is important to me. I try hard to keep a pretty open door and leave time in my calendar for last minute chats. For me this means being open to both regularly scheduled […]

See People, See Yourself, See the World

Last Friday, one of the ladies who does housekeeping at work nervously asked if she could have a picture with me. The guys in the kitchen with us watched confused as I said “Of course!” Two things struck me. The first was how excited she was to have our pictures taken. The second was the confused […]