
Madness on the Miniature Golf Course…

Today is the one week anniversary of the moment I nearly lost my mind on a miniature golf course in Redmond, Washington. It is also the one week anniversary of the moment I came to my senses and decided I needed to dig out of the hole I was in…and I don’t mean a golf […]

Are we getting meaner?

This week I’ve been really focused on gratitude and it has been a huge blessing. Unfortunately a side affect of laser focus on love is that unkindness gets amplified when you hear it, see it, etc. It has left me wondering…Are we getting meaner? After getting some encouragement on FB, a friend lashed out a […]

The Peace of Gratitude…

For the last 2 days I’ve been trying something new. I have been answering the question “What do I love?” I jot down (either in a notebook or via the notes on my phone to be copied into the notebook later)  things that make me smile, laugh, bring me joy, make me feel grateful or […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–2 Months…Where are the words?

I’ve been in Seattle two months. I know my friends have wondered why I haven’t blogged more since moving here. I’m not sure my explanation will make sense…but I’ll try. Perhaps my tendency towards the verbose is somehow linked to sunshine? Nah…that’s not it. (Come on…You knew I’d make a rain joke right?) Denver was a […]


She wore white leather sandals with flower cutouts and buckles on the outside. Her tan feet were already dirty in the sandals as she crossed the dirt lot with the boys. These same feet are even dirtier after the five boys hold her down and make her cry. She is right when her 4 year […]

Escape–by Malcolm

NOTE: Today’s post is from a guest blogger. Malcolm is a 3-year-old tabby originally from New Mexico but currently making his home in Seattle. He can neither type nor spell so he will have assistance from his person but wants his readers to know that these are his thoughts, in his own meows…umm…words.    It […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–Layers

It’s almost Summer in Seattle. And I use the word “Summer” loosely. Summer in Seattle involves layers. Lots and lots of layers. Today I wore Jeans, boots, a sweater, a cardigan, a light jacket, a scarf, and a hat. And I was FINALLY warm enough in the office to not feel like a human popsicle. Don’t […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–Sunday

Sunday What to do with your first Sunday in a new place? In a past incarnation of myself I would have done a ton of research, made some calls, and done a bunch of leg work to find a church to try out. But this version of me…the one who is in a deep, peaceful, […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–First Days

It’s Thursday and I’m taking a break from the reading of documentation to post a little something here to catch folks up on my first few days at Amazon. Day 1– Apparently every day is Day 1 at Amazon. The premise is that each day is a fresh start. There are even two buildings called […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–The Adventure Begins…

It’s raining in Seattle. I hear it does that from time to time. I’ve been in my new hometown for 3 days now. My dear friend Linda, the kits, and I arrived Thursday afternoon and have been enjoying the city ever since. The last week has felt a bit like a holiday. We took our […]