
The President’s Closet

“This guy hasn’t done a great job. So let’s give the other guy a chance.” This is a sentiment I’ve seen over the past couple weeks on blogs, social media and have overheard in conversation. I get the sentiment. But I find it infuriating. Let me explain in simple terms…or a mixed metaphor for those of you […]


Last night I had a conversation with a 15 year old girl who is contemplating what it means to have friends whose morals and beliefs are dramatically different than your own. She is wondering what the ramifications are of having friends who don’t feel as strongly as you do about the human rights of other people on […]

Will you be an outrageous radical with me and Jesus?

My friend Leslie Darnell tagged me in a post of this speech by Marianne Williamson on the marriage of politics and religion. I watched it twice and can’t help but share it here in my blog. I DARE you to watch this if you are… a cynic who have given up on religion or spirituality […]

Lilly & Leah

Since last night’s debate I’ve seen a lot of chatter on Twitter and Facebook about how the issue of women’s pay not being equal to men’s is a red herring issue and not an actual problem. Some women have even gone as far as to say that women with families SHOULDN’T make as much as […]

Why I Won’t Argue with You…

I have an opinion…about most things. I’ll share my opinion…about most things. What I won’t do is argue with you. Why? I do not believe a sound argument ever really changed anyone’s mind. Science & psychology can testify to the fact that most of us only cling more tightly to our beliefs when pressured with […]


There is a famous quote that is ascribed to CS Lewis that goes: My religious upbringing has told me this. My spiritual readings have told me this. Life itself has told me this. But only recently has this become my truth. A lot of abused kids know how to turn inward and separate from the […]

Being So-Loved

This morning I sat with my open-minded and open-hearted friends discussing politics (among other topics) over a delicious breakfast. As I tried to articulate my thoughts on several issues, specifically on abortion, it occurred to me…I don’t like the options I have that the world accepts to describe what I believe. I don’t like that in order […]

Offering Dignity…

dig·ni·ty [dig-ni-tee] noun, plural dig·ni·ties 1. Bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation. 2. Nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments. 3. Elevated rank, office, station, etc. 4. Relative standing; rank. 5. A sign or token of respect The Dignity Station […]

Seattle: Come Rain or Come Shine–Month 3

Things are changing. A shift if brewing. What may seem unsettled to others is a long slow movement for me to a new place. I’ve been in Seattle 3 months. I have had some very low lows in Seattle and some very lovely days full of grace and gratitude. Thankfully because I have chosen to […]

Who I am on a day like today…

I’m a Vegan… so the chances of me stepping foot in a Chick Fil A are SLIM and NONE given their use of factory farmed chickens and the stats associated with their most sold meal (see picture) I’m a Girl… so I’m already disqualified from being a Boy Scout or be called a PEDIPHILE because […]