When the holidays were coming, I decided I wanted to have a daily advent reading that was more spiritual and based in the Bible story of the birth of Jesus. I knew I would only really be able to listen to Walter Brueggemann or NT Wright. When I found this book by the former, it was an easy choice.
Brueggemann is always passionate about his feelings about Jesus, while using inclusive and welcoming language. Several of the writings in this book were so good, that I read them aloud in their entirety via Marco Polo to my best friend.
I was particularly touched by the reading on the 2nd Tuesday of Advent called “Transformative Solidarity”.
It is the solidarity in need offered by Jesus to the woman at the well, to the tax man in the tree, to the blind beggar, to the woman with a bad back. What human persons and human community most need is abiding, committed, passionate transformative solidarity.