The very last paragraph of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis says:
Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him, everything else thrown in.
The person I am today is the resurrected Leah.
She has fears but they do not own her. She has doubt but the do not get to make the decisions. She has uncertainty but it does not keep her from taking risks.
The resurrected Leah knows what it means to be broken. To be hated. To be unloved by those who should love. To be reviled.
The resurrected Leah knows what a new body…one that she can love and feel good in…looks and feels like. This Leah knows what it looks like to say no to those who would spit in the face of her kindness, generosity, and friendship. She knows how to walk away from those who are not ready or willing to receive her best. And she knows…without a doubt…that she loves well and is loved well.
The resurrected Leah also knows how to offer grace and mercy. How to listen. How to extend love to those who need more love. How to do all she can to make things better instead of worse. How to shine light into dark places. And how to laugh and weep…alone, with others, and with humanity.
Thank you Jesus…for being the first among the resurrected.
For being the first to put on a new body. For being the first to extend forgiveness to those who wanted you dead or wanted to pretend they didn’t know you only hours before. For being the resurrected Prince of PEACE. For being the man of God who did not turn away those who were different. For being the creator rather than the reviler.
Thank you Jesus…for being the resurrected Son who calls all the other Sons and Daughters to life IN God. And sets a table wide enough for all of humanity…and not just those that the religious folks say can come to the feast. Thank you for inclusion and grace. And for love.
The resurrected Leah honors the resurrected Christ…and may we be alive and new each day filled with the love of God and living in the love of God.
Amen and Namaste