Embrace the Dragon

The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water
by Gemma Merino

Happy New Year!

As I considered what I wanted to offer to the world during 2024, I decided to take the advice of a dear friend and share my love of storytime and children’s books.

This week we are reading, The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water” by Gemma Merino. This book resonated as our first book of the New Year because it’s really about knowing ourselves and falling in love with our own uniqueness

This little crocodile really felt his difference to his brothers and sisters. And despite that inner knowing, he took risks, tried new things, and made every attempt to squeeze himself into the mold of those around him.

Ultimately, despite knowing that those around him were choosing perfectly good ways of being in the world, their way just didn’t suit him. He needed to fly…and breathe a little fire into the world. 🙂


  • What are some ways you are exploring the world around you to see what fits and what doesn’t?
  • Where have you wanted community but found that it was missing because of core differences between who you are and those around you?
  • How have you tried to be something or someone that you are no longer or never were?
  • How will you embrace (and celebrate) your uniqueness and go after the life you want?

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