Permission Slip: Be Curious

Curiosity is one of my all-time favorite human traits. Few things bring me as much joy as learning something new or having a conversation with others that includes asking and being asked a lot of questions. Being curious can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Curiosity helps you gain new insights and […]

Summer 2023 Bucket Lists

Summer is here! If you have a slightly slower professional schedule during the summer month, consider some of the following ideas: But don’t forget that Summer is also a time of rest and fun so consider getting your summer-fun bucket list in order:

Describe the Color Green

Teams are made up of humans. As a leader, one of our jobs is to engage and grow people where they are, while allowing them to keep their unique humanity. This means we need to learn to communicate with a diverse group of individuals, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. To do this successfully, […]

Permission Slip: Create

I accidentally had a theme this week about creativity and creation. Oops! Sorry. Not Sorry. When we stop creating, the possible outcomes for us start to narrow. Creation makes space for dreams and options and alternative paths. Not creative? THINK AGAIN! You were born to participate in the creative energy of the world. Find your […]

Wednesday Watchlist: Book

Your Brain on Art by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross So many books. So little time. The pile has grown to epic proportions again and every time I think “Do not buy another book!” a friend or Anne Patchett tell me what book I simply MUST have and I buy another book. (I really just […]

5 signs YOU need a coach…

Hint: Most of us do at some point Try though we might, the 3 little words that are hardest for many of us to say are, “I need help.” The modern world has separated us from our village. Even in a crowd we can feel very isolated. By necessity, we’ve become extremely independent and capable. […]

Change – Step 1

Acceptance I believe there are some important steps to handling, accepting and even learning to be excited about change. This week let’s talk about…Acceptance. I am the youngest of 5 kids. My older sisters were goddesses to me when I was growing up…(still are in many respects). When I think of the best moments of […]

Permission Slip: Dream Big

There is a theme to the conversations I’ve been having with other leaders lately…and it sounds like this: My team lacks a sense of urgency. It’s like they are afraid to try things and want everything to be perfect before they make a move. Doubt has snuck into our innovation spaces. Fear has taken a […]

Stuck? Try again!

As a coach, clients often talk about where the are stuck. It’s easy for each of us (me included) to become fixated on what we can’t do rather than using our imagination to think big. The reality is that when we focus on our limitations, we become blind to our potential and our ability to […]


Let’s talk about that moment you look up and realize you might be about halfway through your career. The questions come hard and fast in the days and weeks that follow. For me the questions are tied very tightly to how I am living into my core values and leadership philosophy. I am grateful for […]